Necessary Substance Required for Durgapuja Festival – YouFestive

There is no limit to our joy during Durga Puja. We are surprised to think that Durga Puja is the best puja in West Bengal state as well as India. I feel proud to be a Bengali to join the joy of Durga Puja.

বাংলাদেশ এর বেলে পাথরের মন্দির

The scriptures (sastra in Bengali language) specify several ways to worship Goddess Durga on each day (for five days) of Durga Puja. Each day's worship calls for particular materials, which must be prepared well in advance of the event. The following is a list of the items required for Durga Puja on each day.


Offering to Ma Durga

Substance necessary for Kalaparamho Ritual:

Kalaparambho is a ritual carried out before the beginning of Durga Puja, for which the following items are essential:


Food Offerings for Kalaparamho Ritual : 

·         Main food offerings are Panchashasha, which consists of five types of grains i.e rice, mung dal or whole green gram,

·         Til or sesame,

·         Mashkalai or whole black leguminous seed,

·         Job or millet;

·         Panchagobbo, which are the five items obtained from the cow (milk, ghee or clarified butter, curd, cow dung and gomutra).

·         Other necessary items include curd, honey, sugar, big noibiddo-3 ,

·         Small noibiddo-1, madhupakka (a mixture of honey, curd, ghee and sugar) – 3 bowls,

·         Bhoger drobbadi, aaratir drobbadi, mahasnan oil, dantokashtho, sugar cane juice, an earthen bowl of atop (rice), til toilo (sesame oil).


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Water Offerings for Kalaparamho (Kalabou snan) Ritual: 

·         Different types of water including lukewarm water,

·         Water from oceans,

·         Coconut water,

·         Rainwater,

·         Water containing lotus pollen,

·         Spring water, Sarbooushodhi and mahaoushodhi.


Puja Items for Kalaparamho (Kalabou snan) Ritual:

·         Puja items consist of vermillion, panchabarner guri or powders of five colours (turmeric, rice, kusum flowers, burnt rice chaff or coconut fiber, powdered wood apple leaves),

·         Panchapallab (leaves from five trees like mango, pakur, betal banyan, and Joggodumur),

·         Pancha Ratna (five types of gems – diamond, gold, sapphire, ruby and pearl),

·         Panchakoshay (bark of five trees namely shimul, jaam, berela, kool and bokul of equal quantity powdered and mixed with water), green coconut with stalk, finger ring made of kusha grass – 3 nos.


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Cloth Offerings for Kalaparamho Ritual: 

·         A piece of cloth to cover the pot,

·         a cloth for Vishnu, and

·         saris for bodhon and

·         Chandi are essential.


Decorative Items for Kalaparamho Ritual: 

·         The items include a pot,

·         Kundohari, a mirror,

·         Four  (4) arrows,

·         A triangular wooden frame,

·         Horitoki flowers (myrobalan),

·         Chandmala (garland with circular decorations), and

·         A mattress of jute or hay.


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Other Items for Kalaparamho Ritual: 

·         Other items include water camphor and perfumed sandalwood paste;

·         Soil collected from different sources like elephant tusks,

·         Teeth of the pig,

·         Horns of the ox,

·         Riverbanks of Ganga and Saraswati, from both the banks of the same river, from the inter-junction of four roads, from palaces, from ant hill, and from the mountains.


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Substance required for Shashthi Puja:


Food Offerings for Shashthi Puja:

·         Food offerings include green coconut,

·         A stem of wood apple with fruits,

·         An earthen bowl full of atop,

·         Madhupakka – 3 bowls,

·         Sesame seeds,

·         Curd, honey,

·         Clarified butter,

·         Chini (sugar),

·         Big noibiddo -3,

·         Small noibiddo-1,

·         Bhoger drobbadi,

·         Aaratir drobbadi,

·         Grain, different types of fruits,

·         Banana – one dozen,

·         White mustard seeds.


Shasti Puja Items : 

·         Puja items should consist of a pot,

·         Arrows – 4 nos,

·         Ashonanguriuk-2,

·         Panchapallab,

·         Panchagobbo,

·         Pancha ratna,

·         Panchashasha,

·         Tekatha,

·         Dubba grass,

·         Sindur,

·         Swastik pituli,

·         Conch shell,

·         Kajol, gorachana,

·         Yellow thread,

·         Camphor,

·         A fly-whisk made of yak’s tail,

·         Earthen lamps,

·         Panch pradip for arati.


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Cloth Offering for Shasti puja : 

·         Cloth to cover the pot,

·         A cloth for the wood apple tree,

·         A sari for bodhon, and

·         A sari for amontron.


Decorative Items for shasthi puja:

·         These should include flowers,

·         Chandmala,

·         Myrobalan,

·         Adibas oil,

·         Turmeric,

·         Perfume,

·         Soil from the bank of Ganga, stone,

·         Gold,

·         Silver,

·         Copper,

·         Iron,

·         Mirror and

·         Alta.


Items required for Saptami Puja:

·         Food offerings:

·         Food offering include flowers,

·         Sesame seeds,

·         Myrobalan,

·         Two earthen bowls full of atop,

·         Green coconut with stalk,

·         Wood apple leaves,

·         White mustard,

·         Madhupakka- 40 or 22 bowls,

·         Noibiddos- 40 or 22,

·         Honey,

·         Sugar,

·         One main noibiddo,

·         Fruits different types,

·         Items for bhog.


Puja Items for Saptami Puja: 

·         Puja items shall be complete with red thread,

·         Jute ropes,

·         Alta,

·         Finger rings – 4,

·         Yadnyopaveet – 4,

·         Pot,

·         Mirror,

·         Tekatha,

·         Sandalwood,

·         Mashkolai,

·         Hibiscus flower,

·         Small noibiddo,

·         Big earthen lamp,

·         Panchapallab,

·         Pancha Ratna,

·         Panchashasha,

·         Panchaguri,

·         Vermillion,

·         Items for arati,

·         Items for the yadnya including sand,

·         Wood,

·         Dry khorke grass,

·         Cow dung,

·         Kusha grass,

·         Ghee,

·         108 bel leaves and

·         A bowl.


Cloth Offerings for Saptami Puja: 

·         Cloth for the Pundit,

·         Cloth for arati,

·         Finger rings made of kusha – 40 or 22,

·         Sari for nabapatrika,

·         One sari for main puja,

·         Saris for durga, lakshmi, saraswati, and chandi;

·         Dhoti for kartik, ganesh, shiva, and vishnu;

·         Clothes for nine planets,

·         Clothes for peacock, mouse, lion, demon, buffalo, ox, and snake;

·         Chandmala, a nosering, iron, conch shell.


Plants and flowers for Saptami Puja: 

·         These include Belpatra garland,

·         Flower garland,

·         Banana plant,

·         Turmeric plant,

·         Colacassia plant,

·         A stem of Jayanti plant, arum plant,

·         Wood apple stem,

·         Pomegranate stem,

·         Rice plant,

·         Ashoka stem,

·         Twigs of white aparajita plant,

·         Two banana stems.


Items required for Ashtami Puja:


Food Offerings for Ashtami Puja: 

·         Food offerings shall consist of fruits,

·         Items for bhog,

·         Items for arati,

·         Madhupakka -40 or 22 bowls,

·         Honey,

·         Sugar, curd,

·         Ghee,

·         Noibiddos -40 or 22,

·         Small noibiddos – 4.


Cloth Offerings for Ashtami Puja: 

·         Sari for Durga,

·         Clothes for Lakshmi, Saraswati, Chandi,

·         Clothes Kartik, Ganesh, Shiva, Vishnu, nine planets,

·         Clothes lion, peacock, mouse, demon, ox, buffalo, snake, Jaya, Bijoya and Ram.


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Puja Items for Ashtami Puja: 

·         Flowers,

·         Dantakashto – 1,

·         Finger rings made of kusha – 40 or 22,

·         One nose ring, iron,

·         Conch shells – 2,

·         A box of vermillion,

·         A garland,

·         Belpatra garland,

·         One chandmala,

·         One ghoti.


For Ashtami Sandhi Puja: 

·         Flowers, gold ring,

·         Bronze bowl for madhupakka,

·         A small sari,

·         Main noibiddo,

·         One small noibiddo,

·         One plate,

·         One pitcher,

·         Iron,

·         One nosering,

·         One pillow,

·         A mat,

·         A chandmala,

·         Earthen lamps – 108,

·         Items for bhog, and

·         Items for the arati.


Items required for Nabami and Dashami Pujas:


Food Offerings for Nabami and Dashami Pujas: 

·         Betel leaves,

·         Pan masala,

·         Madhupakka – 40 or 22 bowls,

·         Honey,

·         Sugar,

·         Curd,

·         Ghee,

·         Noibiddos – 40 or 22,

·         Small noibiddos – 4 nos.


Cloth Offerings for Nabami and Dashami Pujas: 

·         Clothes for Lakshmi, Saraswati, Chandi,

·         Clothes Kartik, Ganesh, Shiva, Vishnu, nine planets,

·         Clothes lion, peacock, demon, buffalo, ox, snake, mouse, Jaya, Bijoya and Ram,

·         One dantakashto ,

·         One sari for the main puja.


Puja Items for Nabami and Dashami Pujas: 

·         Flowers,

·         Finger rings made of kusha – 40 or 22,

·         Ghoti ,

·         Nose ring,

·         Iron,

·         Conch shells – 2,

·         A box of vermillion,

·         Belpatra garland,

·         Flower garland,

·         A chandmala,

·         One plate,

·         Items needed for the fire sacrifice,

·         Bel leaves,

·         Gift for the Purohit.


Items required for the Dashami puja:

Puja items for Dashami puja include flowers, durba grass, basil leaves, bel leaves, perfume, incense sticks, an earthen lamp, noibiddo, curd, murki, sweets and items needed for arati.

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